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Pre/Post Operation Therapy

Pre Operation Therapy

More and more orthopedic surgeons recommend acupuncture and/or massage therapy pre operation as it will helps the patients recovery. Pre operation therapy helps you:


  • Achieve a balanced body

  • Reduce aches and pains

  • Improve flexibility and thus movement

  • Stimulates the body’s own natural healing process

  • Improves energy levels

  • Improves circulation



Post Operation Therapy

This therapy involves both recovering from the operation and making sure the problem doesn't reoccur. I use hands on techniques, such as soft tissue release, muscle energy techniques, trigger point therapy and acupuncture to breakdown the scare tissue, reduce any spasm and increase range of motion. I have found these hands on techniques have been very successful in fast recover and return to sport/activities. This approach will help:


  • Achieve a balanced body

  • Reduce aches and pains

  • Improve flexibility and thus movement

  • Stimulates the body’s own natural healing process

  • Improves energy levels

  • Improves circulation


As you can see pre and post therapy looks to achieve same thing. Symmetry or a balanced body is so important in staying pain free. This approach will also highlight the areas that may have lead to the problem in the first place, i.e the source and if this is not work on the problem will eventually reoccur. So it is very important to discover the reason for the injury to prevent it happening again.


Get some advice on your injury!


Phone Caitriona O'Kelly 0872930317




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